Archive for October, 2008

Inspired Post

Ok, I haven’t blogged in… a while.  I’m working like 45-50 hours a week at the new job.  Can’t wait for things to slow down there.  Of course, school started in August, so that means crazy hours with the boy’s related activities.  Now starts the schools theatre production and fundraising season.  Yes.  I am one of “THOSE.”  I volunteer.  Normally, I like it and it isn’t too bad.  This year though, I need to be two people.  No one else knows anything remotely technical, so I am also the theatre department webmaster for my son’s high school.  We decided to move into the 21st Century and now have a ‘real’ web site.  But, I digress.

The point of this post is to 1) let my friend Amie know that I do still read her blog; 2) I was inspired by her NAS blog; and 3) let everyone know that I am still alive and kicking and do still have those writing goals, just need time.  So, here is my take on Amie’s thought process:

  • Dear Father Time:  Please, slow down so I can catch up!
  • Dear Boy:  Washing regularly will help you attract girls.  Your hair… wash it.  It is gross!
  • Dear Daughter:  While I love seeing you and your friends, a bit more notice would be nice though.  P.S.  You’re welcome for the groceries.
  • Dear Venus (the dog):  You will eventually see the groomer.  I won’t shave and torture you personally… I hope.  You poor thing, you look like a mop!
  • Dear laundry pile:  … Eventually.
  • Dear House:  …Ditto.
  • Dear Boy:  The trash goes out the same days every week.  They haven’t changed (no matter what you think.)
  • Dear Employees:  Please leave me alone long enough to actually complete your performance appraisals if you want to receive them before Christmas.  I KNOW you want any bonuses that may be coming.
  • Dear Boy:  You have your own bathroom!  Use it and stay out of mine.  Amie is right…BOYS. ARE. GROSS!
  • Dear WIP:  I have no words to explain myself.  (I know. You just want words!)


October 23, 2008 at 9:34 pm 2 comments

October 2008

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